News from the New Zealand Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS)

Author: Derek Miller of the NZOHS

The NZOHS has been involved in a Workforce Capability and Capacity study to understand the professional market and workforce for health and safety. The first group to embark on this work was the NZOHS and a number of gaps in capability and capacity were identified.

Among the gaps were the lack of academic routes to train in occupational hygiene in New Zealand. To address this issue, WorkSafeNZ, the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) and the NZOHS entered into contracts and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) to deliver training over the next 30 months. This project is funded by government, managed by HASANZ and delivered by the NZOHS – a team approach making the most of each group’s strengths and resources.

As part of the process, five scholarships have been awarded for students to complete courses. Three of these students are initially following the ICertOH pathway. Additional information on the scholarships can be found at

As well as the this, the NZOHS will be running a suite of subsidised OHTA courses. These are for citizens and residents to increase our capacity and provide training for those in the profession or wanting to enter it. From this, we expect more students will go on to gain the ICertOH and then onto tertiary qualifications and certification.

Exciting times are happening in New Zealand as we press ahead in trying to find not answers to the lack of occupational hygienists but active solutions.