OHTA is a collaborative effort, based on the principles of active participation by stakeholders

We make every effort to ensure that people's voices are heard and acted upon.

Who are the stakeholders?

Students, training providers, national OH associations, examining boards and employers have collaborated in developing training materials and qualifications. Trade unions and international organisations will also have an interest in raising standards of occupational hygiene practice.

How do we engage stakeholders?

  • We appoint Board and Advisory Committee members with an interest in the objectives and work of OHTA, as well as knowledge and experience in IH/OH work globally.
  • We approve training providers to deliver OHTA courses around the world, and we enable them to promote their courses through this website.
  • We have constitutional links with the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) through member association representation and Board liaison.
  • We consult member associations on training provider approvals.
  • We invite member associations to attend and vote at OHTA general meetings.
  • We invite the certification boards of member associations to join the Awards & Qualifications Committee.
  • We ask training providers to provide feedback on training materials and participate in editorial reviews, supporting the work of the Editorial Committee.
  • We collaborate with examining bodies around the world to provide internationally recognised qualifications.
  • We build partnerships with other like-minded organisations to develop training materials and share expertise.
  • We communicate information about OHTA in newsletters and social media.
  • We participate in educational conference sessions and other events.