World Map of Member Locations

OHTA's governance structure has developed following a series of constitutional changes designed to enable greater involvement from the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) and member associations and to ensure a sustainable rate of growth for OHTA.

OHTA is made up of member associations that share the commitment to support and promote the development and implementation of the OHTA international training scheme and qualifications framework.

Most of the member associations are already members of IOHA. Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB) is also a member association.

Each association that is accepted as a member of OHTA appoints a representative to act as liaison and vote at general meetings. You can read OHTA's Articles of Association here.

For more information on becoming a member association of OHTA, please contact

The International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) is an association of occupational hygiene organisations from across the world and represents the global community of occupational hygienists. Since its creation in 1987, IOHA has grown to 38 member organisations, representing over 20,000 occupational hygienists worldwide.

Aims of IOHA

IOHA aims to improve, promote and develop the practice of occupational hygiene throughout the world so as to improve and protect worker health and well being.

Since 2000, IOHA operates a National Accreditation Recognition programme to promote global respect for and recognition of professional certification programmes which meet or exceed the "IOHA Model Certification Programme." IOHA is a non-government organization, recognized by the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization

To learn more about the work of IOHA and its membership, visit the IOHA website or attend an IOHA conference.

OHTA-IOHA Agreement

OHTA has committed to support IOHA in promoting the development and implementation of a common international framework for occupational hygiene training.

IOHA has consented to the use of the IOHA logo with the statement “Supported by IOHA” on OHTA certificates, website and training documentation.

OHTA and IOHA are working together to provide formal recognition of the qualifications delivered by the OHTA training programmes.

Since 2015, OHTA’s constitution has been linked to IOHA through its member associations. All member associations of IOHA are entitled to apply for membership of OHTA. Each association that is accepted as a member of OHTA appoints a representative to act as liaison and vote at general meetings.

IOHA also appoints a representative to be a director on the OHTA Board.


Imagine a world where workers do not get sick because of their work.

Most of the world’s workers have no access to occupational hygiene expertise. They lack the technical resources and knowledge required to identify and control exposures to disease-causing agents in their workplaces.

Workplace Health Without Borders (WHWB) was founded and incorporated in Canada in 2011 to engage volunteers in improving workplace health in regions of the world lacking adequate occupational hygiene services. Its focus will be to provide local hygiene professionals with technical assistance, training and skills development to enable them to manage and improve health conditions in local workplaces. WHWB plans to work with other groups with similar aims around the world. As one of its primary goals is occupational hygiene training, WHWB is committed to collaborating with OHTA. Our partnership represents the synergy between OHTA’s focus on production of high quality training materials and WHWB’s focus on engaging volunteers in the delivery of programs using these materials around the world.

Our mission: "to engage the occupational health profession in ensuring that workers and employers throughout the world have the knowledge and technical means to prevent work-related disease."  Watch a video about WHWB

WHWB may provide support through creating or participating in onsite action teams that will travel to the host country. It may also provide information, training, and technical assistance on-line and through one-to-one mentoring relationships.

In providing technical assistance, WHWB will attempt to incorporate appropriate technology that acknowledges feasibility, affordability and resource constraints in the host countries and workplaces. For example, control banding approaches are expected to be a major focus of WHWB responses. Through its immediate focus on control strategies, control banding offers the potential for more timely, less costly risk management than conventional hygiene approaches, particularly in regions that lack sampling and analysis capabilities.

If you are interested in working with WHWB or in following our activities, visit and register. Any assistance or ideas you can provide will be warmly received.


  • Share common aims to improve standards of occupational hygiene in developing countries.
  • Collaborate to provide training in countries that lack access to occupational hygiene resources.

WHWBUSWHWB-US is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization incorporated in September 2015 with a mission to: 

  1. Raise awareness of the need for effective control of workplace hazards and risks for our own underserved workers and communities as well as in developing countries. 
  2. Provide coordination and oversight for projects and training initiated by WHWB-US.
  3. Access resources for both national and international projects which may be more accessible by nonprofits incorporated in the US.


Founded in 1991, the Belgian Society for Occupational Hygiene is dedicated to the discipline and the application of occupational hygiene. B.S.O.H. has the following objectives:

  • Promoting the knowledge, competence and professional integrity of the occupational hygienists.
  • Promoting and maintaining a high standard of professional competence and practice of industrial hygiene.
  • Encouraging further development of occupational hygiene at a scientific and professional level.
  • Dissemination and exchange of occupational hygiene knowledge.
  • Increasing awareness of the field of occupational hygiene.
  • Co-operation with other associations, national and international organisations involved in occupational health.


B.S.O.H. is a member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association IOHA and maintains contacts with the British Occupational Hygiene Society BOHS and the Netherlands Occupational Hygiene Society NVvA.

BSOH vzw/asbl/npo
Kapucijnenvoer 35/5
B-3000 Leuven
Phone: +32 16 336 995


  • Individual members: 185
  • Organisational Membership: Yes

BOHS – The Chartered Society for Worker Health Protection – is one of the major international scientific societies in occupational hygiene. As a learned and professional society established for over 60 years, it provides internationally recognised qualifications, scientific conferences, membership services and the world-leading research journal Annals of Work Exposures and Health.

Based in the UK, BOHS has nearly 1,600 members in 53 countries. As a Royal Chartered body, BOHS awards the coveted professional certification of ‘Chartered Occupational Hygienist’ to members of its Faculty of Occupational Hygiene who have achieved the Diploma of Professional Competence in Occupational Hygiene. BOHS is a science-based charitable body providing information, expertise and guidance in the recognition, control and management of workplace health risks. Working with other stakeholders in the field of health and safety, BOHS seeks to raise awareness of these risks and influence national and international policy and practice to better protect the health of workers.

The British Occupational Hygiene Society
5/6 Melbourne Business Court
Millenium Way, Pride Park
Derby, DE24 8LZ,
England, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1332 298101


  • Individual Members: 1600
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • Diploma of Professional Competence.
    • Certificate of Operational Competence.
    • Modular qualifications in a range of occupational hygiene topics.

Finnish Occupational Hygiene Society (FOHS) was founded in 1975. FOHS is the only occupational hygiene society in Finland. We are a society for occupational hygienists, and all other experts working in the field of occupational hygiene.

Our goal is to raise the level of knowledge and professional skills of the people working in the field of the occupational hygiene.
We offer information to everyone, who is interested in occupational hygiene.

Phone: +358-9-3967 2769


  • Individual Members: 130
  • Organisational Membership: Yes

SOFHYT brings together specialists in the field of occupational hygiene to:

  • Promote and develop occupational hygiene, professional ethics, and exchanges with institutes and working groups.
  • Promote and accredit training in occupational hygiene.
  • Participate in the prevention strategy in occupational hygiene but also safety and environment.
  • Ensure contact with associations pursuing the same goal and represent its members in national and international events.
  • To encourage studies and research in occupational hygiene and to participate in French and European standardisation in this field.
  • Be the privileged interlocutor of public authorities.

Nathalie Argentin
22 Chemin de L'archet
69530 Brignais, France
Phone: +33 6 8218 9238


  • individual Members: 57
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • Occupational Hygienist Certification.
    • Occupational Hygiene Certificate.

The German Occupational Hygiene Society (DGAH) represents a group of occupational health and safety experts, devoted to the promotion and development of occupational hygiene.

c/o Herrn Michael
Masuth Kolberger Straße 43 50997 Köln
Phone: 02233 / 2556 oder 0221 / 901 45 81
Email: mmasuth@


  • Individual Members: 1
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered: N/A

The Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland (OHSI) was formed in 1986. Its membership comprises broad interest group including occupational hygienists, occupational physicians, scientists and occupational health and safety practitioners.

Contact through website.



  • Individual Members: 60
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • None at present directly through the organisation.

The Netherlands Occupational Hygiene Society was founded in 1983.

The aim of the society is:

  • To promote and to stimulate the quality of the profession of the occupational hygienist. To promote and stimulation to the quality of the profession of the occupational hygienist.
  • To promote the science of occupational hygiene. To promote the science of occupational hygiene.
  • To raise awareness of the speciality of occupational hygiene. To raise awareness of the specialty of occupational hygiene.

Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arbeidshygiëne
Postbus 1762
Phone: 040 29 26 575


  • Individual Members: 500
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No further information is available at the present time.

The Norwegian Occupational Hygiene Association was established in 1985 and has currently 338 members. Our activities include conferences, local activities, courses and a journal. Most of our members are working in occupational health services. Other members are employed by large companies, research institutions, governmental agencies, labour inspectorates, occupational medicine departments in hospitals, etc.

NYF c/o Occupational Hygiene Solutions,
Abelsgate 5,
Phone: 004793241609


  • Individual Members: 338
  • Organisational Membership: No
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • The Norwegian Occupational Hygiene Certification is a separate, legal entity that performs certification of occupational hygienists according to certification criteria of the IOHAs certification scheme.

Polish Association of Industrial Hygienists (PAIH) was registered in 1992 as a professional and scientific organization grouping persons active in the field of occupational hygiene.

The objectives of PAIH are:

  • Promotion of progress in the area of occupational hygiene and upgrading occupational hygiene to the rank of a scientific discipline;
  • Upgrading professional and scientific qualifications of its members and supporting research work;
  • Development of appropriate forms of training and post-graduate education, adjusting training programs to the current needs;
  • Cooperation in the training of qualified industrial hygienists and in the development of the most appropriate training programs;
  • Stimulation of preventive activities leading to a reduction in the number of professional diseases and accidents at work and related sickness absenteeism through the elimination of the health risk;
  • Cooperation with professional occupational hygiene associations and institutions in Poland and abroad.


  • Number of individual members: 40

La Asociación Española de Higiene Industrial es una asociación técnica y científica que nace de la motivación de un grupo de técnicos apasionados por la higiene industrial con el fin de promocionar la profesión en España.

Nuestros objetivos enfocan al trabajo y esfuerzo de mejorar los lugares de trabajo eliminando y/o minimizando los riesgos derivados de las exposiciones a agentes físicos, químicos y biológicos. Para ello, consideramos que es fundamental la agrupación de todos aquellos que se dedican a la práctica diaria de la higiene industrial.

C/Guadalajara 32 Casa 4
Villaviciosa de Odon, Madrid
SPAIN 28670



  • Individual Members: 14
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • Not yet available

The Swedish Association of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene has approximately 150 members and is an association for Hygienists working in both Industry and Health Care Centres.

The association is, among other things, working with certification of Occupational and Environmental Hygienists, and the first Hygienists was certificated in July 2003.



  • Individual Members: 150
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No further information is available at the present time

Die Arbeitshygiene setzt sich als Fachdisziplin, welche die Gefahren für die Gesundheit im Arbeitsumfeld evaluiert, bewertet, überprüft, feststellt und vorhersieht und kommuniziert, mit dem Ziel die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Arbeitenden zu schützen und insgesamt die Sicherheit der Allgemeinheit zu fördern.

L'hygiène du travail est une discipline spécialisée dédiée à l'appréciation, l'évaluation, la vérification, le détermination, l'anticipation et la communication des situations de mise en danger de la santé dans l'environnement professionnel. Son but est de protéger la santé et de veiller au bien-être des travailleurs et par là de promouvoir la sécurité de la communauté en général.



  • Individual Members: 1
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No further information is available at the present time.

The Association of Industrial Toxicology and Occupational Hygiene (ETOK-İHİDER) was established in Turkiye to raise awareness, enhance scientific knowledge and practical experience, and advance the fields of occupational hygiene and toxicology. The Association's core mission is to support the professional development of experts working in occupational hygiene, occupational diseases, occupational safety and environmental health, fostering collaboration and contributing to the national advancement of these fields.

ETOK-İHİDER aims to support the development of occupational hygiene as a strong and internationally recognized profession. Additionally, increasing awareness among occupational health professionals, contributing to the establishment of a national occupational hygiene policy, and leading the development of education and practice standards are among the Association's key objectives.

Our association collaborates with national and international organizations in the field of occupational hygiene to provide training, consulting services, and public awareness initiatives while adhering to ethical principles. In this context, ETOK-İHİDER operates in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA), the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA), and the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH).

Contact: Prof. Dr. Yücel Demiral,




The Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Inc. (AIOH) is the association that represents professional occupational hygienists in Australia. The AIOH is the largest occupational hygiene society in Australia and the only professional society representing qualified occupational hygienists in Australia. The overall objective of the AIOH is to prevent ill health caused by the environment in which people work. The AIOH seeks to achieve this by:

  • Promoting the profession of occupational hygiene.
  • Improving the practice of occupational hygiene and the knowledge, competence and standing of its practitioners.
  • Representing the profession nationally and internationally.
  • Increasing public awareness of the field of occupational hygiene.

The Institute was formed in 1979 and incorporated in 1988. An elected governing Council, comprising the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and three Councillors, manages the affairs of the Institute. The AIOH is a member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA).
Mail: PO Box 2124, Gladstone Park, VIC 3043, Australia
Location: Suite 11, 99 - 101 Western Ave, Westmeadows, VIC 3049, Australia
Phone: +61 39338 1635


  • Individual Members: 1200
  • Organisational Membership: No
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No formal qualifications offered however we do run a number of seminars and a basic introduction to occupational hygiene 5 day course.

The NZOHS is a network of occupational hygiene professionals who further the practice, professionalism and recognition of the industry in New Zealand. At present the Society's membership is made up of professional occupational hygienists either working for companies, private, private consultants, or for Government bodies.

The Society is also open to associate members who work in other health and safety-related disciplines and have an interest in Occupational Hygiene.

NZOHS, PO Box 12-634
Penrose 1642 Auckland
New Zealand
Phone: No information available at this time.


  • Individual Members: 50
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No further information available at the present time.


Hong Kong Institute of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (HKIOEH) is Hong Kong's professional body for occupational health and safety professionals.

Our Objectives:

  • To promote and develop the profession of occupational and environmental hygiene;
  • To promote and encourage the teaching, training, research and study of occupational and environmental hygiene;
  • To serve the public interest by acting in an advisory capacity in matters relating to the science and practice of occupational and environmental hygiene;
  • To consult, contact and cooperate with any professional, scientific or technical institute, society or association or other body with a view to pursuit of common objects in occupational and environmental hygiene;
  • To exchange international experience in occupational and environmental hygiene;
  • To arrange educational courses, lectures and examinations;
  • To advance public education of occupational and environmental hygiene; and
  • To perform any act which it is considered will further the above objects.

Box 9645
General Post Office
Central Hong Kong



  • Individual Members: 65
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • Registered professional Hygienist (RPH).

The Korean Industrial Hygiene Association (KIHA) was founded on April 28, 1990, by a group of Korean industrial hygienists. As of 2021, it has a total of 560 members.

Meanwhile, KIHA has dealt with occupational health issues that are probably inevitable due to the characteristics of the export-driven economic model that Korea is pursuing. It has been striving to identify and improve the cause of occupational illnesses, such as carbon disulfide poisoning or occupational diseases in semiconductor industry, in the field, not just in the office. Through this process, it has been communicating throughout the world and contributing to the development of a global occupational hygiene network.

MIHA is non-profit professional organisation founded in May 2003. It is amongst the pioneers of its kind in South East Asia. With more than 100 members within its first year, it is successfully serving the needs of its members in promoting the field of Industrial Hygiene, providing education and training, forums for the exchange of ideas and information, plus representing the interests of Industrial Hygienists and those they provide service for. MIHA is also an affiliate member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) in pursuit of international recognition and standing.

Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association (MIHA) No. 19A
1st Floor, Jalan 2/14, Bandar Baru Selayang
68100 Batu Caves
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Phone: +603-61352990


  • Individual Members: 100
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No information is available at the present time.

The Occupational and Environmental Health Society is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of occupational and environmental health in Singapore. Our Mission Statement: to promote and advance the health of all at work.

Occupational & amp;
Environmental Health Society
c/o Dr Gregory Chan
The Occupational and Diving Medicine Centre
Block 531 Upper Cross Street
#02-64 Hong Lim Complex
Singapore 059764

Phone: 8125 3206


  • Individual Members: 1
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No information is available at the present time.

The Taiwan Occupational Health Association (TOHA) was founded in 1995. The aims of TOHA are:

  • to receive requests to execute occupational health researches.
  • to organise occupational health-related discussion panels.
  • to train and develop professionals engaged in occupational health technology.
  • to encourage occupational health technology exchanges and strengthen partnerships.
  • to publish occupational health-related periodicals.
  • to promote policies enhancing health in job environments and to assist in implementing policies to protect the health of



  • Individual Members: 264
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No information is available at the present time.

VIHA is a non-profit organisation serving professionals who are working in the occupational health and safety, industrial hygiene and environmental health fields. Our operating principles are to Promote Worker Health Protection. Our main activities are:

  • to train workers on occupational health, safety (OHS) and industrial hygiene,
  • to qualify experienced OHS professionals to be industrial hygienists and
  • to assist OHS professionals, toxicologists and occupational medical doctors in preparing for industrial hygiene and safety exams.

Newton Residence Tower
38 Truong Quoc Dung, Ward 11
Phu Nhuan District
Ho Chi Minh City

Phone: 028.3987.7799

As part of awareness in the field of Industrial Hygiene by professional individuals the need of an association was felt and “Central Industrial Hygiene Association” was founded and registered under the Bombay Public Charitable Trust Act 1950,dated 31/08/2004.


Post Box No.13
Mota Bazar
Vallabh Vidyanagar – 388 120
Gujarat, India


The Industrial Hygienists Association of the Philippines, Inc. (IHAP), is a non-stock, non-profit, non-governmental organization that was established in 2003 by group of professionals and the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC). The IHAP is the only association in the Philippines that specializes on Industrial Hygiene. The association is composed of members who aim to improve and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all.


c/o OSHC Environment Control Division
North Ave
cor Agham Road 1104

Tel: OSHC ECD 929-6036 to 39

North America

ACGIH® is a member-based organization that advances occupational and environmental health.

1330 Kemper Meadow Drive
Cincinnati Ohio 45240 USA


  • Individual Members: 0
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered: N/A

Founded in 1939, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is the premier association of occupational and environmental health and safety professionals. AIHA’s 8,500 members play a crucial role on the front line of worker health and safety every day. Members represent a cross-section of industry, private business, labor, government and academia.

More information is available at

3141 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 777
Falls Church, VA 22042 USA
Phone: +1 703-849-8888
Fax: +1 703-207-7266


  • Individual Members: 8500
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered: N/A

The Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists (CRBOH) is a national, not-for-profit organisation, which sets standards of professional competence for occupational hygienists and occupational hygiene technologists in Canada and around the world. Registration with the CRBOH confers the right to use the title Registered Occupational Hygienist (ROH) or Registered Occupational Hygiene Technologist (ROHT), and indicates the attainment and maintenance of a high standard of professionalism. CRBOH is an International Occupational Hygiene Association recognised Certification Board.

CRBOH Administration
PO Box 26125
Maryland Postal Outlet
Winnipeg, MB R3G 3R3



  • Individual Members: 400
  • Organisational Membership: No
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • Registered Occupational Hygienist (ROH)
    • Registered Occupational Hygiene Technologist (ROHT)

We are a private, non-profit, non-religious, apolitical organization, recognized at the regional level, formed by a multidisciplinary group of professionals with a high degree of interest in strengthening technical and professional capacity, in order to promote in the different actors the promotion and generation of a culture of occupational health and safety, respecting the legal framework.

10th avenue, 15-72, Zone 10, Guatemala City



  • Individual Members: 19
  • Organisational Membership: Yes
  • National Qualifications Offered: No

South America

The AHRA was born in 2009 as a non-profit organisation, thanks to the concern of a group of professionals who longed to find a way to strengthen the specialty - Occupational Hygiene - in our country. Since then, each management works with that objective.


Non-profit association founded in 2012, dedicated to training in occupational hygiene, development of guides & knowledge, and dissemination of the importance of discipline in public and private organisations.

The SCHO is a common and non-profit institution whose main activity is the development of Occupational Hygiene in Colombia applying the ethical, regulatory, legal and technical principles that regulate the exercise of this discipline worldwide.


The Southern African Institute for Occupational Hygiene (SAIOH) is a professional body committed to the prevention and reduction of ill health at work in the southern African region through the dissemination of knowledge and the professional registration of occupational hygiene practitioners.

SAIOH celebrated 25 years of organised occupational hygiene in southern Africa in 2008 and now has over 500 registered members in three professional categories – Occupational Hygiene Assistants, Occupational Hygiene Technologists, and Occupational Hygienists. It acts as a lobby group for occupational hygiene legislation and standards and, for this purpose, regularly interacts with the South African Departments of Labour, Mineral Resources and Health.

It is a joint venture partner in the local National Occupational Safety and Health Board (NOSHBO) as well as The Board of Registration for Occupational Safety and Associated Professionals (OHSAP) and is an active participant in the Standards Generating Body for Occupational Health and Safety under the auspices of the South African Qualifications Authority.

SAIOH is very proud to be a member of the International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA) which is in its turn recognised by both the International Labour Organisation and the World Health Organisation and its professional registration scheme has been accredited by IOHA.

The Southern African Institute for Occupational Hygiene (SAIOH)
PO Box 14402
Gauteng 0014
South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)12 654 8349


  • Individual Members: 540
  • Organisational Membership: No
  • National Qualifications Offered:
    • No information at this present time.