American Academy of Industrial Hygiene


A laboratory that demonstrates it has the knowledge, training and experience required to perform the analysis to the standard required. The laboratory will also have been audited and assessed by a recognized certification body to demonstrate competency in conducting that analysis.


Associação Brasileira de Higienistas Ocupacionais (Brazilian Association of Occupational Hygienists)


American Board of Industrial Hygiene


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

Advanced level

The tier of training aimed at preparation for professional accreditation by an IOHA NAR examining board. It builds on the intermediate level and covers advanced science and practice of occupational hygiene


Associazione Italiana Degli Igienisti Industriali (Italian Industrial Hygiene Association)


Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists


American Industrial Hygiene Association

Approved course

An OHTA approved module delivered by an OHTA approved training provider

Approved course provider

A course provider that meets OHTA approval criteria for eligibility to offer the International student assessment process. Approved course providers may use the IOHA logo and 'supported by IOHA' on approved courses. See also Approved training provider

Approved materials

Core training modules approved by OHTA.

Approved training provider

A course provider that meets the criteria for approval by OHTA and is eligible to offer the International student assessment process. Approved course providers may use the IOHA logo and 'supported by IOHA' on approved courses. See also Approved course provider and the web page Summary of Terms for Approved Training Providers.

Awards and Qualifications Committee

The group providing a formal communication channel for providing advice and comment to the OHTA Board on all issues relating to awards and qualifications

Awareness level

Training and information materials aimed at explaining the purpose and scope of occupational hygiene. These materials are aimed at the general public, managers or workers


The individuals responsible for the operation and governance of the Occupational Hygiene Training Association Ltd


British Occupational Hygiene Society


Conseil Canadien d'Agrément des Hygiénistes du Travail. (title in English: Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists CRBOH)


A Contractor that provides “hands-off – no physical work onsite” administrative or technical support


Any training course, seminar, webinar or other event that delivers occupational hygiene training


Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists CRBOH (title in French: Conseil Canadien d'Agrément des Hygiénistes du Travail, CCAHT)

Examining body

An examining body that offers the student assessment and awards

Executive level

The highest tier of training. This covers leadership and management skills for occupational hygienists, e.g. strategic planning, performance measurement, behaviour, communication, etc

Faculty of Occupational Hygiene

The examining board of the British Occupational Hygiene Society

Foundation level

The introductory tier of training. This covers the basics of occupational hygiene and is suitable as an entry course for individuals with no prior experience of occupational hygiene

Founding principles

The statements of intent upon which OHTA was founded


A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work.


Global Plan of Action on Worker Health (WHO)


Hong Kong Institute of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene


Istituto di Certificazione delle Figure della Prevenzione or Institute for the Certification of Health Protection Professionals(Italian examination board )


Industrial Hygiene


International Labour Organisation.

Industrial hygiene

The anticipation, recognition, evaluation, prevention and control of environmental factors arising in or from the workplace that may result in harm to health. The term is used in the USA and was initially applied to work in industry. Now the term industrial hygiene relates to any occupational exposures and in many parts of the world it is entitled occupational hygiene to reflect this wider scope. For purposes of clarity and consistency within OHTA and this website, we have selected occupational hygiene as the common term.

Industrial hygienist

A person with training, experience and professional accreditation in Industrial Hygiene (occupational hygiene). Professional accreditations are those recognised by the International Occupational Hygiene Association, under its National Accreditation Recognition scheme. See also Occupational Hygienist. This terms is generally used in North America in preference to occupational hygiene

Intermediate level

The tier of training which develops technical skills in defined areas of occupational hygiene and leads to the International Occuaptional Hygiene Certificate. It covers the technical principles of occupational hygiene for specific subject areas and builds technical competence to enable qualification holders to carry out occupational hygiene survey work.

International module

An OHTA approved training course. International modules are courses with face to face or online tuition on specific subject areas of occupational hygiene

International Certificate in Occupational Hygiene (ICertOH)

An award made by an OHTA examining board on satisfactory completion of Intermediate level. Typically this might involve 6 passes in the intermediate modules, completion of a portfolio and panel interview.


International Occupational Hygiene Association

International qualifications

The awards offered through OHTA

Management of change

An established means of managing change to process, or people either permanent or temporary.


Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association


IOHA National Accreditation Recognition scheme. A system for ensuring comparability of professional levels of occupational hygiene qualifications

National associations

A national occupational hygiene association that is a member of IOHA


U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health


Norse Yrkeshygienisk Sertifisering (Norwegian Occupational Hygiene Association)


Occupational Exposure Limit (see below)

Occupational Exposure Limit

An upper limit on the concentration and period of exposure to a hazardous substance or condition in the workplace. In many places, national authorities set and enforce legal occupational exposure limits, to protect occupational safety and health. An occupational exposure limit can be used as a tool in risk assessment and in the management of activities involving handling of dangerous substances.

Occupational hygiene

The practice of (i) identifying of hazardous agents; chemical, physical and biological; in the workplace that could cause disease or discomfort (ii) evaluating the extent of the risk due to exposure to these hazardous agents, and (iii) the control of those risks to prevent ill-health in the long or short term. See also Industrial hygiene

Occupational hygienist

A person with training, experience and professional accreditation in Occupational Hygiene. Professional accreditations are those recognised by the International Occupational Hygiene Association, under its National Accreditation Recognition scheme. See also Industrial hygienist


Occupational hygiene


Occupational Hygiene Society of Ireland


Occupational Hygiene Training Association Ltd

OHTA examining body

An examining body that works with OHTA to offer the student assessment and awards

Operating principles

The statements of how OHTA aims to operate


US Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Qualification holders

Individuals who have satisfactorily completed one or more of the OHTA courses or qualifications


Southern African Institute of Occupational Hygiene


Southern African Institute of Occupational Hygiene: Occupational Hygiene Professionals Council


French Occupational Hygiene Society


Individuals or organisations that contribute funds or resources to support the development of OHTA or its aims. Sponsorship is without prejudice to the aims outlined in the Founding Principles of OHTA and does not imply endorsement by OHTA Ltd.


Individuals and organisations that have an interest or involvement in the work of OHTA. For example, IOHA and its member organisations, examining boards, employers, workers, course developers and trainers

Training levels

The levels used by OHTA to describe the 5 different technical standards of training: Awareness, Foundation, Intermediate, Specialist and Executive

Training provider

An individual or organisation that offers occupational hygiene education


World Health Organisation