Trainer Nexam Pty Ltd Start Date 20 May 2024
Location Live Online
Language English
Contact Places 5

20 Month – 30 Month YYYY

Course Overview


  • Understand the nature of noise hazards in the workplace and the effects of noise on people.
  • Learn how to assess noise in the workplace and in the general environment.
  • Assess the significance of measurement data against compliance standards.

Learning Outcomes

You will learn to

  • Describe the consequences to health and well being of excessive exposure to noise.
  • Understand the measurement (including dosimetry) of noise against current standards.
  • Conduct surveys in the workplace to assess risks from noise.
  • Advise on the need for and means of control including PPE.
  • Appreciate and advise on environmental noise assessment.
  • Understand current standards and good practice in these fields.


Course Format

The manual refers frequently to ANSI standards. Readers should also refer to their national standards and be aware of the exchange rate i.e. 3 or 5dB(A) exchange written into the national standards and legislation.

Course Content

  1. Physics of Sound.
  2. Risk Assessment and Noise Surveys
  3. Noise Control Engineering
  4. Hearing Control Programme
  5. Education and Training
  6. Audiometric Testing
  7. Reporting and Record Keeping
  8. Guidelines for an Effective Hearing Cosnervation PRogramme
  9. Introduction to Environmental Noise

Note: any references made to standards and best practice documents are provided solely as guidance for candidates and may not represent the most current updates or publications.