Company Description

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a world of quality work and healthy life for all by providing strategic and innovative solutions for good Ergonomics and Hygiene. IEH will deliver her mission by providing and conducting the following services and professional activities:

  • Ergonomics and Human Factors: Our ergonomics and human factors consultancy services aims to help the world manage the interaction between people and their working environment to achieve Quality Work that is Safe, Healthy, Efficient, Productive and Fulfilling.
  • Occupational, Public and Personal Hygiene: Our hygiene consultancy aims to protect human health by eliminating and prevent exposure to hazardous agents during work and in all aspects of our daily living.
  • IEH Institute: Our institute aim to train professionals and the general workforce and public to manage ergonomics and hygiene at work, in public and at homes.

Training Courses

Contact Details

Contact PersonNicole Tay
Phone+65 6914 6620
Address2 Leng Kee Road
#03-10 Thye Hong Centre
Singapore 159086
Operation Location(s)Live Online, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Singapore
Training Language(s)English