Trainer Nexam Pty Ltd Start Date 04 Mar 2024
Location Live Online
Language English
Contact Places 5

4 March – 14 March 2024

Course Overview

To provide students with a sound understanding of the techniques for assessing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace and with an understanding of how exposure information can be used to assess risk.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module the student will be able to:

• Describe the general approach to occupational chemical health risk assessment, including the role of atmospheric monitoring;

• Select appropriate equipment to measure specific airborne contaminants and devise a suitable sampling strategy;

• Present the results in a form useful for health risk assessment purposes to enable management to comply with relevant legislation.

Course Format

It should be recognized that the format presented in this manual represents the views of the authors, contributors and or editors, and does not imply any mandatory process or format that must be rigidly observed. Presenters using this manual may well choose to alter the teaching sequence or course material to suit their requirements. In this regard the case studies are provided as illustrative examples and alternate case studies relevant to a particular industry may be used if desired.

Course Content

  • Chapter 1 Course Content
  • Chapter 2 Risk Assessment
  • Chapter 3 Occupational Exposure Limits
  • Chapter 4 Air Sampling Theory and Practice
  • Chapter 5 Dusts, Fumes and Mists: Health Effects and Sampling Methods
  • Chapter 6 Gases and Vapours
  • Chapter 7 Sample Analysis
  • Chapter 8 Other Sampling Tools
  • Chapter 9 Presentation of Results
  • Chapter 10 Biological Monitoring

Note: any references made to standards and best practice documents are provided solely as guidance for candidates and may not represent the most current updates or publications.