Trainer IEH (Institute of Ergonomics and Hygiene) Pte Ltd Start Date 03 Jun 2024
Location Live Online, Singapore
Language English
Contact Places 8

3 June – 7 June 2024

Course Overview

This course provides an introduction to the principles of toxicology, physiology and epidemiology. The course will cover the main types of harmful effects to target organs from exposure to chemical hazards at work.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to define commonly used toxicological terms, describe the main routes by which hazardous substances can enter the body and describe the factors which influence their absorption, distribution, storage and elimination of the substances. Attendees will also be able to carry out basic interpretation of the results from epidemiological studies.

Course Content

1. Basic Principles of Toxicology
2. Physiology and Target Organs
3. Epidemiology
4. Health Effects and Industrial Processes

Note: any references made to standards and best practice documents are provided solely as guidance for candidates and may not represent the most current updates or publications.