Trainer Nexam Pty Ltd Start Date 18 Jun 2024
Location Live Online
Language English
Contact Places 2

18 June – 28 June 2024

Course Overview


  • Introduce ergonomics (muscular-skeletal disorders, manual handling, etc.).
  • Learn to apply ergonomics in the design of work, equipment and the workplace including social and legal concerns.

You will learn to

  • Optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of activities in the workplace using ergonomic solutions.
  • Understand ergonomic risk assessments and appropriate control measures.
  • Understand the causes of upper limb disorders and how to reduce them.
  • Understand the impacts of workplace layout and equipment design.
  • Appreciate environmental aspects of good ergonomic design.

Course Format

It should be recognised that the format presented in this manual represents the views of the authors and does not imply any mandatory process or format that must be rigidly observed.

Course Content

  • Overview of Ergonomics
  • Ergonomics Methods and Techniques
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Workplace, Job and Product Design
  • Physical factors of the Work Environment
  •  Standards and Social Aspects

Note: any references made to standards and best practice documents are provided solely as guidance for candidates and may not represent the most current updates or publications.