Dr Kelly Johnstone and Mr Eduardo Shaw join the OHTA Advisory Committee

The OHTA Advisory Committee offers advice and support and provides constructive challenge to the Board, whilst complimenting its skill set. All Advisory Committee members have

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Promotion of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Through Education

A new book edited by Thomas P. Fuller titled Improving Global Worker Health and Safety Through Collaborative Capacity Building Initiatives has recently been released and OHTA crafted a

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New Memorandum of Understanding between OHTA and PSCI

  We are very pleased to announce that a new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been crafted between OHTA and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI).

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A Free Webinar To Inspire Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) Professionals

Winston Churchill once said that “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give”. Many Occupational and Environmental

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An OHTA Manual makes its television debut in Australia!

The TV show “Restoration Australia” recently featured a story about a homeowner with chronic health issues who was searching the internet for information on health

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OHTA Announces Significant Updates to Training Modules and Exams

The Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA) is pleased to announce that we will be releasing updated training modules on ohtatraining.org in January 2024. The new

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13th IOHA International Scientific Conference

IOHA is organizing 13th IOHA International Scientific Conference in Dublin from the 9th to the 13th of June 2024 in association with the Occupational Hygiene

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Amazon Donation

The Occupational Hygiene Training Association (ohtatraining.org) is pleased to announce that Amazon has become an OHTA Sponsor. As such, Amazon is joining with OHTA to

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